
Tuesday, September 4, 2007


index of parent directory
Galileo_Web_Usability.pdf 14-Nov-2006 00:34 4.8M
How To Create An Ecommerce Website(1).pdf 13-Nov-2006 06:53 400k
How To Create An Ecommerce Website.pdf 13-Nov-2006 06:52 160k
ISO-IEC 17799 2005.pdf 13-Nov-2006 06:53 2.5M
Ibm Redbook B2B Ecommerce With Websphere Commerce Besiness Ed v5.4 Patterns For E-Business Series.pdf 13-Nov-2006 06:53 6.4M
MARKETING ECOMMERCE - Harvard Business Review - how to acquire customers on the web.pdf 14-Nov-2006 00:34 307k
Prioritizing Web Usability.chm 13-Nov-2006 06:59 4.4M
SHAPING WEB USABILITY - Addison Wesley %5bby ff%5d.chm 13-Nov-2006 06:55 5.5M
VERISIGN - How to create an ECommerce Web Site.pdf 13-Nov-2006 06:52 160k
Wiley - System Analysis, Design, And Development Concepts, Principles, And Practices (2006).pdf 14-Nov-2006 00:40 9.5M
addison wesley - principles of the business rule approach.chm 14-Nov-2006 00:40 1.6M
idea group - architectural issues of web-enabled electronic business.pdf 14-Nov-2006 00:40 4.1M
wiley 7 sons - project management methodologies.chm 14-Nov-2006 00:40 4.9M
